#ManchesterUnited, #Liverpool, #Chelsea, #Arsenal Football club, or whatever it might be football is something cherished amongst refugees in Jordan. In Jordan’s Zataari refugee camp, children undergo vital coaching sessions run by #savethechildren and #ArsenalFootballClub. The sessions use the power of football to support the mental, emotional and physical wellbeing of #children affected by #war, #poverty and #exploitation.
The coaching sessions are now more important than ever as children living in the camp, who’ve already had their lives upended by #conflict and #displacement, face yet more uncertainty because of the #COVID pandemic. Save the Children staff in the camp report that many children were withdrawn, lonely and stressed during lockdown, with many stating that they missed exercise and playing with friends. Save the Children and Arsenal have been working to reach as many children and families as possible during this time through virtual groups to deliver sessions to support their mental and physical wellbeing.
“Since fleeing my home in Syria in 2013 I have suffered from trauma and depression. My uncle was murdered in front of us and 4 of my cousins were burned......During the COVID lockdown I felt fatigued and exhausted. I had to stay at home and couldn’t see any of my friends. My wellbeing was negatively affected.
“When the lockdown lifted, I could see my friends again at the pitch. Thanks to #Arsenal and Save the Children, we can train and play football again, which has shifted my mental state. We have classes about emotions and how to deal with our thoughts.”