Acculturation pattern amongst Kurdish men
Acculturation is defined as cultural changes and consequences of long contact between two different cultural groups. A total of 10 Kurdish men, aged from 24 to 60 years, were interviewed face-to-face to explore the acculturation pattern reported by them through their individual life stories during the whole migration process. The analysis was based on the narrative methodology. The adjustment strategies identified were contributing to Kurdish culture and the home country, getting an education, creating one’s own society/building a family, achieving inner security and balance, being active and occupied, and coping with ongoing political instability in the country of origin. The majority of them respond actively to stressful situations in their lives, and it is important for these Kurdish men to be included and acknowledged as individuals.
This study shows that Kurdish men perceived their adapta-tion to life in Sweden as being stressful. As a way to acculturate, it is important for Kurdish men to be included and acknowledged as individuals and to be able to contribute to Kurdish culture in Sweden and in their home country. Furthermore, the findings in this study also show that the majority responded actively and were able to handle the stressful situations in their life stories and to adjust to life in Sweden. During the whole migration process, the participants felt distress and worry about the home country. They also felt the pressure of their own responsibility to maintain their Kurdish identity and culture at the macro (in networks) and micro (in their own family) level. Finding ways of adaptation to a stressful life in Sweden is concur- rent with the perception of being a stranger in the host society. The desire to return to the home country is still alive. The overall picture of various acculturation strategies highlights the importance of focusing on the individual ́s capacity to make sense of events and situations during the whole migration process.